Sunday, February 1, 2009

John and Kate Plus 8!

ok so there is the most awsome show on tv its john and Kate plus 8 they have 8 kids which to some of you might not be that crazy until you hear this they have 2 eight year olds and 6 yes you read that right 6, 4 year olds! they are one of only 12 living sextupltes in the United States! my favorite out of the 6 is Aden he wears little glasses and is sooooooo cute! and i like hannah too! out of the twins my favorite is Cara because Mady is realy bad tempered and mean to the little kids! any ways i will post some pics. if i can find any!!!


Brooklynn said...

that show is awesome

Brooklynn said...

Hey! you have the same template as my mom!

Lauren Michelle said...

Mady is such a brat! :)