Friday, February 13, 2009

please we need you!

this post is for lauren, Ashley (i know you dont like me but we need you) , Christy i would say annalise too but she doesnt have a blog. i dont now what went down the other night but B sent me an email saying that you guys were not going to do the movie anymore and i dont know what happend and B didt tell me what happend so i am taking it into my own hands to ask you guys if you will still do the movie with us and i now that right now you all are realy mad at B but you all are best friends and im doing this because i dont think B will and if you dont want to do this for B then can you do it for me and if you dont want to do it for me then will you do it for one of your "abcl's" you are all best friends and thats not going to change!so please reconsider this!


Lauren Michelle said...

Why did she say we all weren't gonna be in the movie? Ashley just said that because Tuesday was the last day she could be in the movie cuz she was going to Mexico & we were gonna have the premiere on Friday. But Brooklynn's in Mexico so we couldn't have the premiere yesterday. if that makes sense....I'm not mad at her anymore.
